
SQLCache Command Tracing Configuration Tasks

SQLCache can be configured to record all SQL Commands issued that utilise the SQLCache data provider. This is a useful feature when you want to undertake Specific SQL Command tuning. You can configure tracing, use the client normally, and then stop and import the trace file. Importing the trace file will load, into the SQLCache Administration interface (as entries within the Speific Command Parameters), all the executed SQL commands that used the SQLCache data provider. These Specific SQL Commands can then be edited to reflect their required behaviour.

When enabling tracing on a remotely connected machine a simple dialog box is presented (shown below). The name of the trace file should be entered here and SQLCache will create this file within the computers "system32" directory.

When tracing is enabled on a locally connected machine the standard "file browser" dialog box is presented which enables you to determine the exact location of the trace file.


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