The following details the necessary steps for undertaking an e-nspect2000 installation either for evaluation, or
low usage production systems.
For the e-nspect2000 Evaluation Installation we are making the following assumptions:
You have a single machine available, which is running Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server.
Under such circumstances you have to:
Run the e-nspectDB setup program to install the SQL2000 Desktop Engine.
Run the e-nspect2k setup program.
Select to install all options (Client Tools, Exchange Components and Database Components).
Provide, when prompted, the name of the machine you are running setup on.
Provide, when prompted, the SQL Server username (by default the e-nspectDB setup establishes the user account "sa" , no quotes).
Provide, when prompted, the SQL Server user's password (by default the e-nspectDB setup establishes a blank password for the "sa" account , no quotes).
Provide, when prompted, the location of a directory to hold temporary files (do not use the system's temp directory).
Start the e-nspect2k Agent service.
Run the client tools menu option (Start->Programs->e-nspect2000->Client Tools).