2000 an e-nspect Software design

e-nspect2000 Medium Usage Installation

The following details the necessary steps for undertaking an e-nspect2000 installation for Medium Usage usage production systems.
For the e-nspect2000 Medium Usage Installation we are making the following assumptions:
  1. You have 2 machines available, one of which is running Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server.
Under such circumstances you have to:
  1. On the machine which is NOT running Exchange server is there a working SQL7 or SQL2000 server?
    • If yes - no need to install the e-nspectDB setup program (used install the SQL2000 Desktop Engine).
    • if no - run the e-nspectDB setup program to install the SQL2000 Desktop Engine.
  2. On the SQL server machine you can choose to install the Client Tools. If you do run the e-nspect2k setup program, selecting the Client Tools (you can also choose to install the Database components too).
  3. On the Exchange Server machine run the e-nspect2k setup program.
    • Select to install at least the Exchange Components.
    • You could also select the Client tools.
    • Select the Database Components ONLY if you did not do so when running the e-nspect2k setup on the SQL server machine.
    • Provide, when prompted, the name of the SQL machine.
    • Provide, when prompted, the SQL Server username (by default the e-nspectDB setup establishes the user account "sa" , no quotes).
    • Provide, when prompted, the SQL Server user's password (by default the e-nspectDB setup establishes a blank password for the "sa" account , no quotes).
    • Provide, when prompted, the location of a temporary file system folder.
  4. Start the e-nspect2k Agent service.
  5. Run the client tools menu option (Start->Programs->e-nspect2000->Client Tools).
  6. Enjoy :)

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